What should we do if we burned our succulents


This is because plants have not been exposed to sunlight for a long time (indoors) and then they are suddenly exposed to bright light (most commonly). 

When water droplets remain on the leaves, they are exposed to sunlight.

The light is too bright at the end of summer.



With Springer Garden, you will always find a solution to all your plant problems. Our experts state that succulents raised indoors for a long time and succulents just taken into the planter should be closely monitored to control the time of illumination and shading when taken outside. It is better to increase the frequency of 2 hours every two days, for example, 2 hours on the first day, 2 hours on the second day, 4 hours on the third day, and 4 hours on the fourth day, to help the succulents adapt to the environment.

Don't expose the succulents to the sun after watering. They should stay in the sun for a day or two.

It would be best if you managed unburned succulents according to the degree of sunburn:

Light sunburn: A small part of the leaves of the meat have sunburn. Provide timely shading to help the plants adapt to the environment before continuing to bask.

Moderate sunburn: The top of the succulent is dried, and the burned area needs to be removed to avoid infection. 

Severe sunburn: Almost the entire plant is sunburned. Hydration leads to black rot. Unfortunately, it is estimated that there is no way to save. Be prepared to lose it.


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Tags: Succulent, Summer

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