(Photos are from our customer. All the succulents and planters are from our store 😉)
Many of my friends have been under the impression that it is difficult to grow vibrant succulents inside since the window glass blocks off 90 percent of UV rays. The glass does filter some ultraviolet rays, but it has no effect on the color of the succulents. In fact, it often enhances them.
Windowsill balconies may also be used to produce brilliant and colorful echeveria. Look at the list below to find out what components you might be lacking.
Following are five of the most essential elements needed for succulent plants to achieve a pink or red color:
- The presence of sunshine
- The environment in which the ventilation system operates
- The outside temperature
- Ambient humidity
- Soil and watering
When you can realize five of these criteria, succulent coloring becomes extremely simple. Let's take these facts and look at them one by one.
The presence of sunshine
When it comes to succulents, sunshine is preferable. I am referring to the time of day, not the intensity of the sun, since too much sunlight may cause your succulents to burn. The primary reason for the vibrant colors of the plants is the extended hours of sunshine they get. This may range from six to eight hours for the vast majority. (Give your succulents time to rest.)
If you keep your succulents inside, it is difficult to get extended periods of sunlight. A balcony or gazebo typically receives 3 to 5 hours of sunlight each day, which usually is sufficient. If the amount of sunlight is under 2 hours daily, don't try to grow echeveria in these conditions. The plant typically fades to a pale hue as a deeper color is difficult to achieve. Alternatively, you might also set your plants on a terrace, if possible.
You may ask what LED light should I use, I recommend these two: https://www.amazon.ca/Fixture-Spectrum-Output-Sunlight-Replacement/dp/B0811VX52Z/, which is for growing, and https://www.amazon.ca/Byingo-Light-V-Shape-Integrated-Fixture/dp/B07P6B4T7W/, which is for getting colors. We are using these lights in our studio and we place them on the shelf alternately.
The succulents shown below are grown in a greenhouse that receives 6 to 8 hours of sunshine each day:
When it comes to cultivating succulents, ventilation has always been one of the most important factors to consider. Ventilation speeds up the evaporation of water while decreasing the plant's temperature.
This is also the reason we suggest planters with drainage holes. Drainage holes are essential for succulents since the interior ventilation is not always good and soil volatilization makes plant growth more difficult.
When succulents absorb moisture in order to grow, the color of the leaves typically remain green. Furthermore, if the ambient temperature is more consistent, there is less likelihood that the plants will turn pink.
Therefore, more ventilation is required on the windowsill and balcony. Given the low winter temperatures, it is essential to construct a greenhouse and add heating equipment to keep the greenhouse warm to colorize the plants.
Winter does not require the use of ventilation. If you live in a warm climate, such as California, you can protect the plants from rain and you'll be OK.
The outside temperature and thermodynamics
The colors of succulents fade when they are exposed to high temperatures. Color is enhanced when plants are exposed to lower temperatures.
Therefore, low temperatures present the ideal environment for succulents to develop their vibrant colors. The most basic example are succulents in greenhouses, which display noticeable tints in the winter, but, by summer, in most cases, fade and become green, unless protected from the sun.
A few succulents may be placed outside in the spring and fall that can accept the significant temperature differences that occur in a well-ventilated environment. Under these circumstances, the color forms quickly and sometimes it only takes 2 to 3 days for the plants to display colors such as red.
Because most succulents are fragile as they grow, you should not expose them to abrupt changes in temperature and air flow. Introduce temperature changes gradually to allow the plants to get acclimated to their new environment. Succulent health is more important than the plant's lack of a red or pink coloring.
Ambient humidity
Dew is another factor that contributes to quicker coloration of exposed succulents. Plants cool in humid environments when the temperature is lower and there is a breeze. A thin misting, which does not harm the protective layers of cacti and succulent leaf surfaces, helps the plants thrive. You may buy a water bottle from this website so all you have to do is spray your plants lightly during the morning hours.
Aside from the five factors listed above, succulent variety also has a significant impact on growth and development. Succulent color is usually simple to maintain, and the color of some of the new hybrids is also excellent and easy to monitor. If you care for your plants daily, their color will last throughout the summer and will not wane.
Soil and watering
Soil and watering also have an impact on the color of your succulents. You need to regulate both the soil and irrigation. When watering succulents, it is best to water the plant completely and wait until the soil is completely dry before rewatering the plant.
Plant growth and development is also affected by the size of the planter. When using a smaller planter, water will evaporate more quickly. Furthermore, granular soil can aid in the evaporation process, making the choice of soil an important aspect of controlling color. Both younger and older plants stand up better to grittier formulations.
Knowing the above tips will help you grow succulents that are healthy and colorful. As the seasons change, the colors for your succulents also shift, just as we change what we wear throughout the year. After you cultivate succulents for a while, you will have a better understanding of what it takes to grow them successfully. Enjoy watching your plants grow and flourish!
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You do not mention having lights on succulents. I have several LED lights over my succulents.
These also help in our winter climate when sunshine is scares.
What are your thoughts on this for bringing colours out?
Hi Jill, LED light is super helpful for growing colors, you can use LED light all year long, but keep in mind, I do recommend only turning the lights on at night.
We will write more detail in the following blogs! Please stay tuned!!!